Nov 08, 2021

We're willing to bet that you've experienced more moments of joy throughout 2021 than you initially thought. It is human nature for the adverse events to stick in our minds more when we think back over the past year. And, if we’re not careful, these can begin to dominate our thoughts, leaving us feeling like we’ve had a terrible year. When this happens, we often find ourselves hoping and praying that next year will be better. But today, we want to encourage you to find the moments of joy that did exist so that you can think more positively about 2021.


Recalling past...

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Oct 25, 2021

How can you be more courageous? This month, we have been exploring how bravery can improve your life and chances of achieving your goals. We also looked at 5 traits of bravery. But what if you discovered that you're not being very brave in your life? Well, today we are looking at 5 different ways in which you can start being more courageous. Have a read through and then commit to using one of these tips in the next couple of weeks.


Make A Habit Of Stepping Out Of Your Comfort Zone

Think of courage as a muscle that you can build. Being brave means stepping out of your comfort zone....

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Oct 11, 2021

What does being brave mean? What does it look like? This month we're talking about being courageous. However, we don't always recognise when we are being brave and that can make it difficult to judge whether we are being courageous. Therefore, we're sharing 5 traits of being brave that you can look out for and see how you're doing.


1. Overcoming Adversity

We all experience hard times and moments. It is often during these times that we give up on our dreams and goals or decide that they are just too unrealistic. However, when someone is being courageous rather than letting adversity...

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Sep 27, 2021

January might seem like a lifetime ago, but it was likely that, back then, you set some goals that you wanted to achieve this year. But we never really know what’s going to come our way. Depending on what’s happened, you may find that you’re well on track to achieve your goals or realise that you’ve been blown completely off course by other things that have happened. But with children back to school, this can be a good time to realign yourself with what you want for this year. Here are our five tips for doing that.


1. Look back at your goals and re-assess


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Sep 13, 2021

Much has been written about the benefits of routines, especially for children. But that doesn’t mean that the same sorts of routines suit everyone. Some people feel safer with a rigid routine that’s followed daily. Others find this stifles their creativity and prefer more freedom. But all of us will have routines to some extent. But we’re going to explore three routines that can be particularly beneficial for families. That’s not to say that all of these are right for everyone – but take a look and see which could reduce stress and friction in your household.

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Aug 23, 2021

We can all be guilty of focusing on the negatives rather than the positives. In fact, it’s human nature. Through the pandemic, you may well have found yourself focusing on the things you couldn’t do and what you missed. It’s perfectly natural, especially when it brought such sweeping changes to our lives. But as we’re talking this month about making the most of summer, we wanted to share ways in which you can appreciate it, whatever changes might be thrown our way.


1. Give Thanks

This can be a great family activity and can be done as you sit at the table...

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Aug 09, 2021

When you think back over your favourite memories, it’s not usually the everyday activities that come to mind. It’s also often that they’re not made up of the latest technology or most expensive spends. In fact, they’re often the simpler things in life – those that we’ve perhaps done spontaneously. While we talked about how to be more spontaneous in this month’s newsletter, in this blog post, we’re exploring five ways that you can create memories this summer, whatever it may or may not bring. Let’s dive in.


1. Hand over the reigns...

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Jul 26, 2021

How can you make your summer activities more sustainable? This month we've been looking at how you can be more eco-friendly during the summer months. We've explored day-to-day life and the big family summer holiday. But you are also faced with at least six weeks of entertaining the children. So, today’s blog explores five different sustainable summer activities for the family.


1. Explore The Great Outdoors

There are a ridiculous amount of choices when it comes to the great outdoors. There's splashing and swimming in outdoor lakes or the sea, climbing hills and mountains, bike...

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Jul 12, 2021

We all want to do our bit for the environment, and this has only become more pressing as we witness the changes happening to our planet. But you and your family also want a summer holiday. In fact, you deserve one. This month we're talking all about sustainable summers, and the family holiday is no different. That’s why we’re sharing five ways in which you can have a more eco-friendly summer holiday.


1. Sleep Under Canvas

While the all-inclusive hotels in hot destinations can be alluring, many children love camping and sleeping under canvas. They tend to spend more time...

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Jun 28, 2021

How can you make gratitude a part of your daily life? This month we’ve looked at the multitude of benefits that can come from a gratitude practice. However, it can be easier said than done to introduce something new into your life. That’s why we’re rounding up some of our favourite ways of making it a daily habit for you and the family.


1. Keep A Diary

This is one of the most popular methods for practising gratitude. Some people like to use a small diary, and others treat themselves to a new notebook or journal. The idea is that you write down a few things you are...

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