Apr 24, 2017

Our theme for this month is confidence. In addition to mindset, the second part of the confidence jigsaw is courage. I don’t know about you but anytime I hear the word courage I think of the lion in The Wizard of Oz who goes on a journey with Dorothy and the other characters in the hope that the Wizard will gift him courage. It turns out that in spite of always feeling fearful Cowardly Lion was acting with courage all along. He believed that feeling fear meant he wasn’t brave. He didn’t see any courage in the actions he took when he felt fear - because he focused on the...

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Apr 10, 2017

How do you feel when you hear people talk about mindset? Over the past few years, the idea that we have total control over what we think at any given time has become almost trendy. Perhaps, making it seem like the answer to any challenge in life is to throw fairy dust at it.

If all it took to achieve success were a positive state of mind, we would never have any problems achieving what we set out to. If only it were that simple. Maintaining a positive frame of mind when you’re tired, overwhelmed and under pressure can be challenging, to say the least. Does having a mindset for...

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Mar 27, 2017

My last blog covered the topic of starting to get to grips with the clutter that may have accumulated over some time in your home. The process of decluttering doesn’t need to be a stressful one but it does require some discipline.

Today I’d like to look at the bit that most of us find difficult when it comes to deciding what should stay and what should go. Letting go of the things we no longer need to keep. How do we decide what should stay and what should go? After all, we don’t generally come from a place of buying and storing things we think we don’t need. Often...

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Mar 13, 2017

Spring has officially sprung and with Shrove Tuesday traditionally allowing for clearing out the pantry, the start of Spring seems a good time to have a general clear out. In this month’s Empower we talked about the effects clutter can have not just on the appearance of our homes but also how it can make us feel.

Sometimes when we’re moving from one task to the next and the days seem to blend into one another it’s easy for mess and clutter to accumulate quickly. Before you know it, the few pieces of mail you promised yourself you would deal with has turned into a mountain...

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Feb 27, 2017

My last blog covered gaining clarity from January reflection in order to stay on track with our goals. I highlighted the importance of taking a three-step approach to getting clarity around our goals to make it easier to successfully achieve what we set out to.

Clarity is the first step, knowing the benefits is the second step, the final step is making sure the goal is a core goal, one that is directly linked to at lease one of our core values. This step makes feeling motivated or even inspired into action much easier as we are more invested in the outcome.

We have clarity, we know the...

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Feb 13, 2017

This month’s newsletter covered resolutions and the fact that most are broken by 15th January every year due to a lack of willpower but perhaps more likely a lack of planning for success. Often the changes we want to make require a huge shift and it’s always easier to fall back into old habits than make new ones.

What can we do to help ourselves set goals we actually follow through with? The key to this is clarity. You may be clear that your goal is one that is for you rather than a ‘should’ goal. You may be satisfied there are some benefits to your goal, it’s...

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Jan 23, 2017

In my last post I spoke about getting clear on your Inspirational Vision and making sure it was what you wanted rather than what you thought you should want. I also explained the importance of your vision being in line with your core values in order for it to inspire you into action.

With the help of that blog, you should now have your Inspirational Vision in place. The next step is to work backwards from the end result to help you create the action plan and milestones that will lead you to achieve the success you want throughout 2017.

Hopefully, you are feeling highly motivated,...

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Jan 09, 2017

With a new year usually comes the desire to think about goals and aspirations. While some may be new, some are likely to have been carried forward from the year just passed. One thing for sure is that all will be linked in some way to our inspirational vision.

So what is your inspirational vision? Essentially, it’s your Big Why. The ultimate vision you have for your life and your purpose all wrapped into one. The beauty of your Inspirational vision is you get to choose what it is. It may even shift or change completely, with your life experiences reshaping what newly inspires you on...

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Jan 01, 2017

Wishing all my clients, followers and supporters throughout the world a very happy, prosperous and fun-filled 2017! I hope you are looking forward to a fulfilling and happy year with my continued support!

In 2017, I am looking forward to helping more mums to achieve their greatest aspirations and to live the lives they truly want and deserve!

The journey of life comes with many twists and turns, but with faith and courage, no obstacle can stop you from reaching your goals. Keep faith, peace and kindness in your heart and you shall always shine.

Happy New Year to you all!

Much love,


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Dec 26, 2016

I hope you have enjoyed a fantastically festive period and are now looking ahead at a new, exciting year full of optimism and potential! Do you want to make a change to the way you live your life in 2017? How do you want it to be different?

When we begin to think about our intentions for 2017, a great place to start is considering all the things that prevent you from feeling joy and fulfilment in 2016. What can you remove from or change about your life to give you the space you need to work towards the achievement of lifelong goals or new, fun experiences?

Really consider what it is you...

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