Mar 07, 2011

On March 8th 2011, women throughout the world will be celebrating International Women’s Day. This year sees the centenary of the global day, which celebrates the economic, political and social achievements of women past, present and future.

The last century has seen women throughout the world dedicated to making significant changes to improve the lives of women. Without these changes, the rights we have as women in this country would be very different. This special day reminds us all of this and the great work so many women continue to do for a huge variety of causes. In many...

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Feb 28, 2011

As discussed in recent posts, working from home offers huge advantages for busy mums. Not only can mums benefit from spending quality time with their children, but they can continue to use their professional skills and contribute to the household income in a more flexible capacity rather than being compromised by the constraints of traditional employment.

If you have a fantastic idea that will kick-start your own home-run business or you are already a successful mumpreneur, balancing the hours you spend working with the time spent with your family will be one of the key motivators to...

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Feb 28, 2011

Do you find you are constantly attending to the needs of others and never addressing your own? If you continually give in to the demands of others but would like to start fulfilling your own needs, freeing up your time and taking care of yourself, then now is a good time to learn the power of saying ‘No’. 

Saying ‘no’ to someone can be daunting and difficult to do but if what is being asked of you will take up your valuable time or you feel uncomfortable taking on such a request, you should be feel confident enough to refuse them.

Of course there are many ways...

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Feb 14, 2011

Many more working mums are taking the step away from traditional employment and opting to establish their own businesses from home. No longer is this a radical step for mums craving flexibility, it is becoming the norm for many entrepreneurial mums across the country. 

Most mums crave flexibility in life full stop, so it is clear how much working for someone else can cause major issues for families. Mums no longer want extended maternity leave: many would swap this for flexible working hours. Mums need to be able to respond quickly to their family’s needs.

This is the reality of...

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Feb 14, 2011

Have you ever wondered who THEY are? 

  • THEY say we must follow this trend
  • THEY say we should never give our children treats
  • THEY say we should burn ourselves out in a quest to become superwomen

Who is this mysterious lot and how did they write such a ridiculous (invisible) rulebook that everyone seems anxious to follow? Why do we put ourselves under so much pressure to follow THEIR rules?

Well, here’s an idea: a challenge if you like. Why don’t you throw out these extreme notions of social conformity – that are actually non-existent – and live life according to...

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Jan 24, 2011

Working from home provides mums with many advantages, including flexibility and a way to top up the household income. However, managing a successful business and taking care of the children and home can be daunting. Here are some great ways to effectively create a productive working environment in your own home.

Find Your Space

Working amid the family chaos can be impossible. Not only will you find it difficult to organise your work but also constant interruptions are a major distraction. As well as losing focus, you will generate little business growth. Instead, find a space away from the...

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Jan 24, 2011

If you have dreams and aspirations that you are determined to achieve this year, creating a step-by-step plan of action will make all the difference to your chance of success! With careful planning, you can accomplish anything you set your mind to, and celebrate every small success along the way!

Maintain A Positive Outlook
If you have goals for this year, make sure each one will make a difference and bring true fulfilment to your life. Once you have identified the goals you wish to achieve, embrace the challenges they may pose with enthusiasm and anticipation. If you’re not excited...

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Jan 10, 2011

It is only early in January but how many of you have given up on or forgotten about the resolutions you made on the 1st of the month? Don’t worry you won’t be alone! Rather than dwell on the resolutions you are struggling with, why not identify how to make a success of your true life goals?

Goal setting for success and making up resolutions at the end of a party night are two very different things! You will only set yourself up for failure if you try to achieve the impossible. Usually, a New Year resolution list will look something like this:


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Jan 10, 2011

Do you dream about being self-employed and starting up your own business? Do you crave the flexibility of being your own boss? Do you have a fabulous idea for a potential business that you know would be a huge success but you’re unsure how to get started?

On returning to work, many mums find working for other people a very inflexible and challenging experience. Juggling work commitments and childcare can be exhausting, especially when other challenges arise, such as illness and school holidays. If you are one of the many mums with a great idea for a business but you are unsure how to...

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Jan 01, 2011

Happy New Year! Empowering Mums would like to wish you a wonderful 2011, full of confidence, balance and joy!

We hope you will be empowered to make 2011 the year you live the life you truly want. Make this the year to re-discover your inner sparkle so you can thoroughly enjoy every aspect of your life.

Wishing you confidence, balance and joy for 2011 and beyond!

Tracey and the team at Empowering Mums

Start your journey today – achieve confidence, balance and clarity for an easier, happier life!

Empowering Mums is on a mission to empower a million mums and mumpreneurs just like you...

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