Jan 14, 2019

You’ve made the decision that this year is going to be different. You’re ready for change - you read this month’s newsletter and know that to get a different outcome you’ve got to do things differently. This year is going to be your year. But where do you start?

The first thing you need to do is get clear on where this new journey is going to take you. Here’s three tips that will help you do just that.

1. Visualise The Future

The world’s leading athletes don’t just train their bodies on the track and field, they also work on their minds. It’s...

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Dec 24, 2018

Life is better when you are optimistic and have hope. Our last blog post looked at the benefits of these attributes which included healthier lives. But just because we know something is good for us, it doesn’t mean we know how to make it a part of what we do. If you have spent most of your years looking at the world through “glass half empty” glasses, it can be difficult to know where to even start changing that. This blog post gives you our five top ways of getting started.

1. Gratitude

There’s a phrase that gets thrown around that goes something like this:...

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Dec 10, 2018

What difference does it really make if you’re an optimistic person? Does it even matter? This month’s newsletter looked at what hope and optimism are but if you’ve spent most of your life being a “glass half empty” type of person, you might think that it doesn’t really make any difference to the outcomes in your life, that it’s just the way some people are. However, research continues to show that there are some key benefits to having hope and an optimistic outlook. Here are our top three.

Better Health

Hope and optimism have a positive impact on...

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Nov 26, 2018

We’d all love to feel at peace. But we’re not all willing to do what’s needed to get it. Sometimes it involves letting go of something that we desperately want to cling on to. While it can be incredibly difficult to loosen our grip, letting go in this way can be life changing. Many of those who have done it identify it as a defining moment. Read on to discover why letting go of control can help you find your inner peace.

Our Inner Control Freak

We’ve all got a bit of a control freak inside of us, it’s only natural. It normally stems from one of two things:

  • A...
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Nov 12, 2018

Ultimately, we all want to find inner peace. It should be simple and yet most of us struggle to find it, particularly mums and mumpreneurs. So why is this? Why can being a mum make it harder? In our newsletter we looked at how messages from our childhood could stop us from finding peace. Here, we look at what role our emotions play and why this can make it trickier for parents.

The Trouble With Motherhood

One of the best ways to find inner peace is to recognise and respond to our emotions. Now, this might sound on the surface, quite simple. But when we become mothers, we have a habit of...

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Oct 22, 2018

When your motivation runs off and deserts you, it can feel like it’s never going to come back and we can start to think there’s something wrong with us. But I think it’s fair to say that every one of us experiences it at some point. So, what can you do when it happens? Here are the top three things you can do to get your motivation back.

1. Remind Yourself Of Your Reason Why

In our newsletter we talked about how important your “reason why” is to your motivation and how you could find it again.

But, what then? How do you use it to motivate yourself?


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Oct 08, 2018

Lacking motivation can bring business to a halt. It has the potential to be a silent killer. In this month’s newsletter, we explored the connection between your reason why and your motivation levels. But there are other reasons why you might not feel like doing what you need to do in your business or personal life. Here, we explore three other reasons that you may lack that motivation.

1. Overwhelm

The trouble with overwhelm is that it becomes a bit of a vicious circle. You’re overwhelmed because you feel like there is just too much that you need to do for the time available and...

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Sep 24, 2018

Unless they’re in business themselves, it’s not uncommon for friends and family to come across as unsupportive. When you’ve had a hard day and are looking for some support, many of them will ask what appear to be insensitive questions such as, “when are you going back to work?” or “when are you going to get a proper job?”

They don’t mean to be hurtful, they just don’t get it. But as we saw in the last blog, there is a lot to gain from having a good support network around you. So what can you do to begin building that network?...

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Sep 10, 2018

Did you spend years craving freedom and independence? There’s no doubt that starting your own business can give you that. But that doesn’t mean that you’re not going to need a support network.

Many mumpreneurs might realise this when times are tough. However, a support network can be invaluable when business is great too. Below are our top 7 reasons why you need to build a support network.

1. Something Goes Wrong

Business is not always smooth running, whatever anyone else might tell you. You might see businesses around you that always seem to be doing well but behind the...

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Aug 27, 2018

Have you ever heard the phrase “face your fears”? A person’s response to that tends to go one of two ways: instantly thinking, “Absolutely no chance” and sprinting in the opposite direction, or, a “yes, I CAN do this”, gun-ho, let’s-go-flat-out-and-defeat-this-thing approach.

And yet neither of these responses will allow you to come through those fears unscathed. One ends with no action being taken and the other, risks making you so vulnerable and overwhelmed, that you end up with your fear growing rather than dissipating.

There’s a...

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