Jun 23, 2014

Having a baby is said to be the happiest thing to happen in life and whilst I couldn’t agree more, I can’t help wondering why Mother Nature served a generous dose of guilt and flicked on the “Worry Switch” during the delivery! Since having a child, have you become a worried wreck and has this had a profound effect on your ability to be happy and relaxed in all situations? You’re not alone! Here are some tips to help you worry less and smile more!

Enjoy each day as it comes
If you find yourself continually worrying about tomorrow, you will never enjoy today. Try...

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Jun 23, 2014

If you’ve got a great idea for your business, are passionate about achieving your goals and you are motivated to make it happen no matter what, you will become a success magnet!

Strive For What You Want In business, it pays to know exactly what you want and have an unwavering desire to get it. It is all well and good saying you want increased sales and greater market share: you have to know what you are prepared to do to achieve these goals. If you are juggling home and family life, you will have to consider potential limitations whilst finding a realistic way to achieve your...

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Jun 09, 2014

Every business in every industry has to be competitive. To ensure you can compete in sector, you must be able to identify what makes your organisation different: what is your unique selling point (USP)? What are your strengths and how can you use these to gain greater market share? Once you have differentiated your service offering to that of your competition, exploit your USP at every opportunity to ensure your business secures more sales and grows exponentially.

Identify Your USP

You could have one or more unique selling points that make you different to the competition. A strong USP...

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Jun 09, 2014

We all get pleasure from different things whether it be our sense of humour, activities we enjoy or experiences that shape our world. Yet despite these differences, there are many consistencies to what makes us all happy. If you struggle to find the brighter side of life, happiness could be within reach after all.

Reach Out
Enjoying fulfilling relationships based on mutual respect has an enormous influence on our happiness and wellbeing. Knowing you can rely on others to support you through life will provide a great deal of pleasure and having as few as three people with whom you can share...

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May 26, 2014

The realities of motherhood often make it difficult for mums to feel in tip top condition all of the time. Sleepless nights, the juggle of home and work, and relentless domestic chores can leave you feeling depleted of energy. However, by adopting some of these tips, you can begin to change your life for the better and start to feel healthier, happier and more beautiful than ever before!

A good night’s sleep and young children rarely go hand in hand. However, by allowing yourself more time to catch up on some much-needed zeds, the more likely you are to feel refreshed and...

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May 26, 2014

Social media is one of the greatest and most influential phenomenons of recent times and, without active profiles across a number of networks, your business could be missing out on lucrative opportunities. More and more businesses are utilising social media to build brand awareness, nurture relationships with their target audience, promote products, boost sales and improve all-round business performance. As a busy business owner, how can you effectively manage social media activity without using up all your precious time?

Keep It Separate

Always keep your personal and business social...

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May 12, 2014

A brand isn’t a company name, logo or product. It is the representation of your entire business: what you offer, how you deliver it, what customers expect and you. Everything you and your business portrays is part of your brand and yours will only be successful if you truly believe in it.

If you don’t believe in your brand, why will anyone else? Unless you visibly and passionately believe in your brand – its customer promise, service, product and ethos – your business won’t stand a chance in the wider commercial community.

It may be that you are the heart and...

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May 12, 2014

The lives of most modern mums tend to revolve around the needs of their children. Although being a mum is a highly rewarding role, it brings with it plenty of sleep deprivation, worry and stress. If you are leading a busy family life, your health and wellbeing will inevitably have an impact on what you are able to do for your children. If you are feeling overwhelmed, unappreciated and exhausted, making time for self-care can help to re-energise you and re-awaken your lust for life.

As busy mums, we tend to spend all our time fulfilling the needs of our children and our partner. Suddenly...

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Apr 28, 2014

“Wanting to be someone else is a waste of the person you are."

Marilyn Monroe

The expectations of others, whether they belong to family, friends, colleagues or general society, have a major influence on the way you think, behave and live your life. Yet until you realise the key to true life happiness is to stop trying to live the life others want and expect you to live, you will continue to allow unfounded opinions, outdated ideals and negative judgements knock your confidence and self-esteem.

Throughout life you have worked towards achieving the expectations others have had of you....

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Apr 28, 2014

So many mumpreneurs ask me how they can improve their productivity when working from home. Creating an ultra-organised working environment is always my answer and here are some great tips to help you get started.

Don’t Mix Business With Pleasure

Create a home office away from the rest of your family’s living space. This will give you a physical divide that you can all respect. It also enables you to get on with your work without being distracted by household chores.

Invest In Technology

Don’t let slow internet connections and unreliable PCs slow you down! Invest in...

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