Sep 14, 2015

Marketing is vital for attracting custom, regardless of the type and size of your business. Whether you want to create new business or retain your customer-base, having a targeted campaign that communicates your unique selling point is essential in today’s fast-paced markets. So how can you guarantee your marketing campaign will be a success?

Don’t jump in head first. It’s advisable to test the water before committing effort and capital in potentially expensive and extensive marketing campaigns. Testing allows you to learn from the results, such as what works and what...

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Sep 14, 2015

Self-belief is a powerful motivator and can contribute to improving your lifestyle and wellbeing immeasurably. From how you act to how you feel, it’s important to radiate confidence. You will see the difference it makes to how you are perceived by those around you. Everyone is the sum of their parts and it takes all these ingredients to make you the woman you are. Believing in your own abilities will help you on the path to achieving your daily or lifelong goals.

You’re a mum, a partner, a daughter and a friend, and each of these roles require a different set of skills. To...

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Aug 24, 2015

The summer holidays can be such a fun time for families with lots of trips planned and exciting things to do. However, it isn’t always necessary to organise activities for every waking hour and sometimes it’s better to let your children entertain you! Here are some great ideas to help you enjoy family time without wearing out your batteries!

Make Believe Magic
Encourage your children to explore their imagination by asking them to create their own games and fun things to do indoors and out. It may be that they choose to create new characters and a make believe world....

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Aug 24, 2015

Many women, especially those who have given up a career to start a family, feel unable or too intimidated to start a business. If you’re the breadwinner of a family, it’s likely you think entrepreneurship is a bit risky. Yet here are a few reasons why so many more women are choosing to take the step and succeeding as valuable mumpreneurs.

For the women who stayed at home, they immediately picked up skills to keep the house running like clockwork. Hearty meals were being made from scratch, blankets were knitted to keep tots warm, the smell of gingerbread wafted through the house...

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Aug 10, 2015

Throughout the many years I have been coaching mums and mumpreneurs, I have always encouraged my clients to pursue their goals, achieve their dreams and aspire for a happier life. Yet I always offer the same advice to these women: you can accomplish your wildest dreams but sometimes in life you may have to make compromises. This isn’t a bad thing at all; it is about choosing to do the things that mean something to you, as opposed to doing the things society expects of you.

You are a strong, independent and ambitious mum who has already achieved so much in your life. Yet you want more,...

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Aug 10, 2015

The summer holidays can be pretty wearing if your children continually bicker and argue with each other. Here are some great ways you can nip sibling rivalry in the bud and reclaim a more peaceful holiday season!

Assess The Situation
Sibling rivalry is very common amongst lots of families and it can be triggered for different reasons. It may be that one child is louder or that you discipline a certain child more regularly. It could be that they’ve spent too much time indoors or they need a structured routine with tighter boundaries. If you take some time out to identify the cause of...

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Jul 27, 2015

Praise is great for making everybody feel fabulous when something wonderful happens but it isn’t the only way to instil confidence in children. Here are some simple ways you can help nurture the next generation of self-assured adults.

It’s Your Choice
Giving your children choices and allowing them to be accountable for their actions is incredibly empowering. Encouraging children to choose outfits that are appropriate for the weather and the day’s activities will help them learn more about the world around them.

Home Help
Mums often do everything for their children,...

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Jul 20, 2015

When you choose to have children, there is a real sense of the unknown. How will you cope? What will they be like? Will they sleep? Although these questions change as our children grow, they still have the ability to baffle us, overwhelm us and inspire us. So of course, when you have created a summer holiday routine using spreadsheets, diaries, calendars and white boards to stay on track with your business, it is typical that the children will inevitably do something to wreak havoc with your best laid plans. So what’s Plan B?

Plan B is essential to good business planning, especially...

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Jul 13, 2015

If I ask any mum what they want their child to be, their overriding answer will always be “happy”! It’s what we all want to be and knowing our children are loved, fulfilled and content gives us that warm, fuzzy feeling. Yet when these same mums ponder the question a little longer, greater aspirations come to mind, which all surround the concept of being confident and equipped to conquer whatever the future holds!

Confidence is contagious and parents are role models, so the two things go hand in hand. If you lack self-belief and are racked with guilt, fear and uncertainty,...

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Jul 06, 2015

Creating and maintaining a plan, without doubt, is the best way you can ensure your success. Without a schedule, you will inevitably lack focus and every task will take much longer to complete. Planning is an essential part of managing a successful business and I hope these tips will help you create an organised, structured routine.

Your Goals Everyone is working towards achieving an overall objective and, in doing so, you usually have to complete a number of smaller goals. Decide what you need to achieve each week and write down the tasks that will help you realise each goal. Breaking down...

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