Aug 22, 2022

How can you help others to feel more confident? In the past, we’ve talked a lot about how we can develop our own self-esteem and confidence. However, for many mums and mumpreneurs, it’s equally important to them they encourage confidence in those around them, especially their children. This can feel difficult to do if you lack confidence in yourself. However, we’re sharing five ways in which you can get started.


1. Worthwhile Praise

Most parents today are well used to praising their children. However, if we overdo this, it can cause others to feel as though your...

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Aug 08, 2022

While having confidence in yourself and your abilities is crucial, it doesn’t mean we shouldn’t also consider how we can inspire others to have confidence in us too. When other people feel confident in our abilities, it can open new doors and opportunities. For example, if you’re a mumpreneur, clients need to have confidence in you before they will buy. Thankfully, there are a few easy ways in which you can exude that confidence, even if you’re not really feeling it yet.


Use Body Language

The words we speak account for only a small percentage of how we...

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Jul 25, 2022

Are you tired all the time? Fed up of being inefficient? Or perhaps you're feeling emotional? In our last blog post, we discussed how these can all be signs you’re overwhelmed. Overwhelm can lead to health problems, both physical and mental. But if you’ve recognised the signs, what can you do to overcome it and restore some balance in your life? We’re sharing our five favourite tips for mums and mumpreneurs.


1. Learn To Say “No”

Mums and mumpreneurs are not known for their ability to say “no”! Too often, we want to be helpful. We take on...

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Jul 11, 2022

Have you ever felt ‘off’ somehow? Perhaps you’ve woken up in the morning and found sleep has not refreshed you? While most mums and mumpreneurs will experience overwhelm in their life, many do not recognise it until it becomes a serious problem and affects their health. That’s because we don’t always recognise the symptoms. We put them down as ‘life as a mum’ or just one of those things. In our next blog post we’ll be looking at how you can overcome overwhelm, and this is much easier to do if you recognise it early. That’s why...

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Jun 27, 2022

What steps can you take to increase your chances of being successful? This month, we’ve been looking at defining your own idea of success and how you can gain clarity around this. With those pieces of the puzzle in place, it’s now time to go after that vision. We’re sharing five steps you can take that will lead you to success.


1. Setting Goals

The first thing to do is set yourself some specific goals—ones you can measure. We talked about this at the beginning of the year. However, with more clarity around what success means to you, those goals might need to...

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Jun 13, 2022

If you want to achieve success, you need clarity and preparation. As we discussed in the newsletter, success is something you get to define. But there are a few things you need to do before you can make this happen, whatever area of life you focus on. As busy mums and mumpreneurs, we tend to put aside the things we want. Consequently, we end up unprepared and lacking clarity. To change this, here are five ways to prepare for success.


1. Clearly Communicate What You Want

One of the most important factors is to get clear on your idea of success. It is only once you’ve done this...

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May 23, 2022

When someone talks about you looking after your wellbeing, it can seem like a huge concept. If you’re already feeling overwhelmed, it may feel like an impossible task. But sometimes, it’s the small things that can make the difference. So, we’re sharing seven of our favourite quick tips for wellbeing. Pick one and give it a go!


1. Get In Nature

We talk a lot about getting amongst nature but that’s because it’s effective. There are many different takes on this. For example, forest bathing where you just sit amongst trees is growing in popularity. But...

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May 09, 2022

Being busy has become something of a status symbol in recent times. It is almost as if we’re in competition to see how much we can cram into a day. Many people never get to clear their desk at work, however many hours they put in. As mums and mumpreneurs, we’re left with multiple responsibilities which we’re constantly trying to juggle. Whereas it was once the norm for children to have just one hobby, now there is pressure to be taking them to an inconceivable number of activities. The message we get is if we don’t manage to do a million and one things in the day,...

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Apr 25, 2022

Got something you want to achieve but the motivation is flagging? In our last blog post, we looked at how understanding your “why” is essential in your motivation. But if that’s not enough, then don’t worry. We’re sharing seven more ways to keep motivated.


1. Get An Accountability Buddy

We are far more likely to achieve a goal if we share it with someone else. This is often because we don’t want to let them down or have the embarrassment of saying we haven’t made any progress. You can either find someone who is trying to achieve a similar...

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Apr 11, 2022

You may find your motivation waning. For example, perhaps you told yourself that you would reward yourself with a slice of cake when you completed a task. But now, you don’t care. You’re going to have that slice of cake, regardless. But you also know it’s important to push through this tricky patch and keep going. What can you do to stay motivated?

As we discussed in last month’s newsletter, there are two forms of motivation: extrinsic and intrinsic. Outside rewards such as a slice of cake are extrinsic forms of motivation. While these are much easier to set-up and...

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