Why Clutter Builds
Mar 14, 2016

As all mums know, clutter has a way of mounting up without you noticing. We’re all partly responsible for it, with daily lives that tend to verge on the busy side. There’s never quite enough time for everything and something’s got to give. And that’s how clutter starts to build up in the first place. But it doesn’t have to be Spring to have a clean-up.

Clutter Creep
It started with a sock. Then soon other items of clothing were left strewn on your bedroom floor. Then the clutter builds and spreads. Things remain in plain sight, not put away – coats, shoes, clothes, toys and an array of sports equipment, such as footballs, bats and tennis rackets. You trip over stuff you’d forgotten you had and things escalate until there’s more left out than is put away.

Where To Put It?
The mindset, “If you can’t see it, then it’s not clutter,” is not an option. Out of sight may be out of mind, but it still takes up space. When you come to carry out your overdue declutter, the truth dawns. You discover all the drawers, cupboards, wardrobes, the loft and the garage are already full of clutter too. To prevent this from happening in the first place, try to tidy up on a regular basis – daily as-you-go is ideal, weekly is good, monthly at a push.

The 12-Month Rule
When it comes to ‘out with the old’, use the 12-month rule. If you haven’t used something in the last calendar year, then get rid. Empty those kitchen drawers where papers are stuffed, or the cupboards rammed with jam jars and cans that went out of date in 2010. Look at those clothes that haven’t seen the light of day since you were a student, and your children’s clothes they can’t fit into any more. Decide what’s good enough to send to a charity shop or sell to generate yourself some cash and which to bin. Hoarding only adds to the problem, so change your habits and see the difference.

With Charity Comes Clarity
When you’re having a tidy out, send the good-quality second-hand items to a charity shop. They can make better use of it than it lying around your home gathering dust. The NCT is also renowned for ‘nearly-new’ sales where clothes and other donations are always welcome. The less clutter around your home, the greater clarity it will bring to your day-to-day life. With a clean-up comes clear-thinking and a new, clutter-free routine will make your home a better place to be.

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